Information according to the German law § 5 TMG
Sail as a Team (*)
Dr. Olaf Wenzel
Liegnitzer Straße 10
D-42277 Wuppertal
VAT ID: DE295453817
(*) Trademark
Phone: +49 (0) 202 – 693 568 86
Mobile: +49 (0) 151 – 700 412 66
Resposible for the content according to German law § 55 Abs. 2 RStV
Dr. Olaf Wenzel
Liegnitzer Straße 10
D-42277 Wuppertal
Picture sources and copyrights
All pictures on this website are copyright protected. Holder of the copyright of all pictures is the owener of the website with the following exceptions:
- copyright Jens Haun: spi_battle.jpg, ziel_langstrecke.jpg
- copyright Wettfahrtleitung NRW-Cup: regatta_nrwcup_feld.jpg, regatta_nrwcup_xyacht.jpg
- copyright Sportschiffergilde Westfalen: regatta-joelle.jpg, spi_battle.jpg, ziel_langstrecke.jpg
- copyright Oliver Ochse: olli.jpg
- copyright Alf Spröde: alf.jpg
- copyright SKU: DSC_0013.jpg, DSC_0027.jpg
The content of this website has been set up carefully. However the correctness, completeness, and timeliness of the data cannot be guaranteed.
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Our website contains links to external third-party-websites. We don’t have any option to exert influence on the content of those third-party-websites. For this reason we do not claim nor accept any responsibility for the content of those websites. Only the owners of those websites are responsible for the content on their websites.
By the time the external links have been set up we checked the external websites carefully concerning any illegal content. There has not been found any illegal content on the external websites by the time at wich the links have been set up. However a permanent control of the content of the third-party-websites by us is not reasonable without probable causes. If we get aware of any illegal content on a third-party-website the external link will be removed instantly.
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